Meet Me 

Many years of experience in the event industry. I have been living in Turkey for the last 11 years. Istanbul & Bodrum. 

Languages skills: Russian and Bulgarian (native languages), English, Ukrainian, Macedonian, Turkish (basic). 

Before Turkey, I worked for 5 years in different countries in the tourism and photo video business. I have collaborated with leading brands such as Four Seasons and Ritz Carlton Hotels in Europe and the Middle East Countries. Two higher educations: Art and Architecture — Design.

 Winner of the Wedding International Association of Photographers AWARD. Founder of the agency ''WEDDIND İN BODRUM''. Partner in my husband’s company “FELİX BEVERAGES” (supplier of Italian wines and prosseco in Turkiye). 

One of my strengths is the ability to find a common language with clients. I am always inspired by modern trends and update my knowledge. I love my job! Each project is a blank canvas for creativity, where I start all over again, and each time the result is different, it is a very interesting job! 

 My profession is art, from fashion and photography to graphic design and planning. 

DECOR AND FLORISTRY IN BODRUM. Event Wedding Planner — Photographer. Bodrum & İstanbul

Contact me

To contact me, fill out the contact form on the site and I will answer you as soon as possible. 




Questions and Answers 

Frequently asked questions from clients and answers to them. If you have any questions, write to me on social networks.

How much do your services cost?

the cost of the organizer work is individual for each project, depends on the complexity of the event

How far in advance should we start planning?

Ideally a few months before the event. At least a month before. 

Do you have a license and requisitions?

Yes! We work legally

Can a customer bring their contractors?

Yes! Please warn us which contractors you want to bring to your event and give us their contacts to discuss all the details.